
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fun Run ^_^

Assalamualaikum & hello everybody!

Last Saturday was a great experience for me and my friends..the Cancer Awareness Fun Run was really amazing but unfortunately I was not in a good condition cause I've asthma so I can only be a 'cheerleader' for my fellow friends..however, I did some observation during the event and I can see lots of young man and women were joined..although there are quite of number from older people (chinese and malay) but the support from young people especially is something that we need to be proud of..this shows that the young generation did concern about having a quality of life and, it does give a great opportunity for us to see such an awareness is arise in our society :)

Lets take a pics!!

They start and end here 

Hayati, Athira and Hanani

Happy faces after their long journey haha !

Me and them :)

With their medal and goody bags ;)

With one of the young runners 

Hope that I could participated in the next event Inshaa Allah..Aminn~

Thanks for reading ^_^