
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ego Goal-Oriented or Task Goal-Oriented Athletes?

Assalamualaikum and afternoon peeps!

Goal-Orientation is define as 'a person's disposition to be either a task goal-oriented or ego goal-oriented'.

So, yesterday class (Sports Psychology) our lecturer had discussed a very interesting topic which focus on the The Goal Perspective Theory. Based on this theory it says that the ego goal and task goal orientation are differ from one another in term of how an individual's function in order to achieve the Goal Orientation.

Let me show you with a clear picture:


* EGO GOAL-ORIENTED                                                      * TASK GOAL-ORIENTED
- Perceived ability as being a function of                                    - Perceived ability as a function of
outperforming others as opposed to                                               effort & improvement. 

  • perceived ability is an ability of a person views on the relationships between ability, effort, mastery and social comparison (Nicholls, 1984; Duda, 1989).

So, in yesterday's class, our lecturer wanted us to do Not-A-Totally-Serious debate (Female vs Male students) with the motion entitled:- 

"Should Barcelona invested on Luis Suarez who are ego goal-oriented person than other person whoe are more task goal-oriented? Should they spend the money for those who has talent only or for grooming the player?"...Yup sounds like that hehe..

I and Izzat Zaid (as the representatives for Female group) while Iman and Izzuddin (for the Male group)..Before we begin, our lecturer had given us (Female group) an advantage to choose whether to be on the Government (agree with the motion) or Opposition (disagree with the motion) side..and we decided to go with the Opposition side..Hmm to tell you the whole progress that we made during the class yesterday, it was an awesome-heol-daebak experience that I've!! (sorry for my multiple use of language) :P 

First-to-debate, the Male end the debate by saying that "...although he (Luis Suarez) had done mistakes but it'll be hard for Barcelona to get another 'already skillful talent' like him to strike for more goal for the team.." and he also said that "the punishment could be take place whenever the player are doing all of those mistake such as by reducing their wages and etc..." ohh and I still remember the last part which Izzu mentioned this "a glass can be turn into a diamond but a diamond will always be a diamond.." deep but you see..if the diamonds was not being polished and taken care of, it will sooner become dull and it will not shine anymore..more or less, it will just be the same as a glass though! am I right? 

Next to rebut is Me. Well to be honest I was not really play much of important role as a debater but I just saying what I think and make it clear the reason why we did not agree with the motion..First, I replied by defining the term 'grooming' - to get into readiness for a specific objective and why we really encourage Barcelona to spend their money towards those who are task goal-oriented more than ego goal-oriented like Luis Suarez. 

Although talented skill is important in order for a particular team to be 'well-known and famous' but it doesn't prove that all of these so called talented skill athletes could just stay loyal towards their own team or club unlike those who at first did not have any of the talent or skill but does have the passion to strive for best and improve in future. Secondly, the attitude also differ between the ego oriented with task oriented athletes. For ego oriented athletes, their attitude towards the sports was far more concern about demanding a money or perhaps something beyond that..why is that??because they already had the talent. But, for those task oriented athletes..they would never bother about all those fame or money but all that they care is self-improvement, the passion that they had is for the sake of "I want to play this sports and I want to be better.." Lastly, I replied to them that for some talented athletes, they would probably have this High Ego/Low Task performance when it comes to training. Just a simple example, when you already have the skill and you're famous and rich..will you keep practicing just like when you first involve in a particular sports?? Most of athletes will doubt that cause "ohh I already know all those football trick & skills so I don't want to practice..bla..bla..bla" as compared to those who have zero knowledge about that particular sports..

So, to conclude..Alhamdulillah we did win in this debate but the most important knowledge that we have here is that to choose what kind of achievement that we want to make in the it just a goal or will the effort comes alongside in order for us to achieve that is we who can make that choice!! 

Jazakallah Khoir Kasiran for reading my blog!!

Treat from me haha ^_^ 

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