
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Racquet Apprentice Challenge in Memory

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone!

It's tiring because I have lots of things to update yet I didn't know how to express it in, I would just share what I'd done in the last semester. Below is my report & also my reflection for Badminton Skill II class..It was a wonderful memory and I'm gonna miss this class as well as my instructor a.k.a coach (Brother Sharel) whom is very humble yet strict in teaching us about this skill.

This paper is a report on the ‘Racquet Apprentice Challenge’ event which was held on 26th April 2014; Saturday that is organized by 30 students of Badminton Skill 2 (CCBN 3432) with the objectives is aim to;
1.      To familiarize the students with rules and regulations of a badminton tournament.
2.   To provide an opportunity for students of Badminton Course 1 to   participate in a badminton tournament.
3.      To discover new talents among the participants to become the next generation of Mustang badminton players.
4.      To enhance students’ badminton skills and boost their competitive spirit.
5.      To strengthen the bond between the committee and participants due to the same interest in badminton.
 This event were also being held as to educate students of Badminton Skill 2 on how to managing an event which involved with various parties altogether. Apart from that, this tournament also being held as one part of the assessment that needs us to perform well in order to achieve good marks in this course. Based on the knowledge that most of the students in Skill 2 class had gain in previous semester, they are need to organized this tournament on the specify date.

‘Racquet Apprentice Challenge’ is an event which was organized by all students of Badminton Skill 2 courses. This event is organized as one part of our assessment in taking this course and we were judged based on our skill in managing the whole process before and after the tournament. It was held on 26th April 2014, Saturday at Female Sports Complex starting at 8.30 am until 7.00 pm. This program is organized as to familiarize students with the rules and regulation of badminton, to give opportunity especially for Badminton course skill 1 students to participate in this tournament, as well to enhance students’ badminton skill and boost their competitive spirit. 
 In this event, I was appointed as Assistant Head of Program Coordinator and I was responsible to assist the Head Program Coordinator, Brother Mohd Adli in order to ensure that this event run smoothly. As Program Coordinator bureau, apart from ensuring the event run smoothly, we also responsible to provide the master plan of the program, to forecast problems that may occur during the tournament and provide solutions as to overcome those problems, we also responsible for the full knowledge of the program in order to avoid confusion among committee members and players as well, and we also should be able to assist other bureau when needed.  
Apart from that, there is several significance that we had achieved along the way this event was to organized. As a team, we are able to strengthen the relationship among committees, with the instructor and also with respective department, we also learn on how to develop our management of event skill, enhance our solving problem and decision making abilities while we were in a difficult situation.

This event was participated by 92 Undergraduate students from both Badminton Skill 1 course and IIUM students who are not taking the Badminton Skill course. However, we had excluded the IIUM Mustang Badminton team from participating in this event. This is to maintain a fair game for those who new in this game as well as to achieved the objective which is to discover new talents among the participants to become the next generation of Mustang Badminton Players.  

Category of Games
In this game it was divided into four different categories which are Men Single, Men Double, Women Single and Women Double. For Single category, it comprises with 16 players for both Men and Women, whereby for Double category consist with 16 pairs (32 students) for Men and 16 pairs (32 students) for Women.

1st Meeting
On the first meeting with our instructor, Brother Sharel, we had received an explanation regarding this Badminton tournament program. In the discussion, he also mentioned the selected date that we are going to run our event (26th and 27th April 2014). During the first meeting, we were given a chance to assign the committee members as well as the main board, the job scope of each bureau also explained so that we would able to help each and every one of us to focus  on particular task that has been assigned.

2nd Meeting
On 5th March 2014, we had our second meeting with all committees from each bureau. During the discussion, we focused more on the arising issues like for example the issues encounter by Preparation and Technical unit regarding the items needed by each bureau on the day of the tournament. Apart from that, each bureau of this event were also explaining on their Master Plan in order to make sure that all of their committee members do realized their specify task. Most of the minor issues like deciding committees’ jerseys, deciding menu for lunch and et cetera were discussed in ‘Whatsapp’.

Three days before the tournament (23rd April 2014), all of the committee members gathered as to give a brief explanation about the rules and regulation during the tournament as well as to taught those who has been assigned as umpire and linesman on the technique of scoring in score sheet. In this session, I and Brother Adli were in-charged for the explanation and we also instruct all of the committee members to take part as linesman, umpire and few of them as players during the rehearsal. 

System of Tournament
In this tournament, we were using a “knock-out” system. There are total of 92 students from both Skill 1 and open student on the day of tournament. Thus, there were 32 games and 8 games for each category were competed (kindly refer to the Appendix A) 

Basically, this report is to show the whole progress of this event which I as an Assistant Head of Program Coordinator and also the whole team members accomplishment which we had finally succeed in finished up our assessment which had given upon us to learn some skill and also unleash our hidden potential that we could not even recognized. During the day of tournament, we are able to manage the program successfully due to the cooperation and team work from each and every one of us. Even though at first we were decided to organize a two day event but it was changed unexpectedly due to the number of players which was supposed to presence during the day of tournament is low.
For the total of number of players that we were expect to join our Badminton event is 96 but there are only 88 players registered. In addition, we are also use the “knock-out” system which makes the tournament going on faster than expected. The duration of each game played on the day of event were able to finished around 25 to 30 minutes which is almost twice faster than we had assumed. However, we are able to take risk and make a quick decision and re-organized everything during the tournament. With help of all committee members, I was also able to face these difficulties.

Does this event empower us?
            In overall, this tournament had taught us on how to deal with various people starting from our own team members up to the person in-charge from respective departments. From this event, I do experience lots of new things which related to soft skills and also physical skill. In term of soft skill, I was able to improve my communication skill with all my committee members as well as to the respective department which involved for our event.
This event had also exposed me with the real rules and regulation of Badminton tournament from Sukan Institut Pengajian Tinggi (SUKIPT) and also from Majlis Sukan Malaysia (MASUM). I had learn lots of new things while handling this event like how to make a rules so that the participant would not be able to question us as organizer of this event.
Plus, this event also enhances our team building in doing the task together. We are able to handle difficulties and challenges together although some of the team members not really well support. I and my team members worked well during the tournament and they were able to understand the instructions that I gave to them while I’m busy working as umpire.    

There are few limitations that I had encounter while working on with this event.
  •  Procrastination from the team members had caused unwanted emotional expression from other party which then affects the performance of the whole unit or bureau.
  •  The system that has been chosen which is the “knock-out” system is not suitable to run a two day event, thus had affect the whole program that we were decided earlier.
  • As Program Coordinator, we aren’t able to monitor the whole progress of each bureau due to limited time of meeting and discussing. Most of the time, we are using whatsapp applications as one of our medium to interact with each other and update the progress however, there are only some of them have the application but some were not.
  •  The used of shuttlecocks were limited to only 3 shuttlecocks per game during the tournament. Plus, foods and drinks were also prepared by the organizer but limited to only breakfast, lunch and dinner with simple meals however there is only 1 mineral water bottle 600ml provided for each participant. Due to limited budget given by Cultural Activity Centre (CAC) for this event which is rm3000, we had to cut some important sources for this event. 
  • During the event, we also faced difficulties of shortage of committee members. This is because there are 30 students for Skill 2 class and 20 of them were chosen as the umpire and linesman. There are only 10 students left to monitor everything while the tournament was continuing and this cause all the committee members feel fatigue and exhausted.


Here is some recommendation that could be following in order to improve for future event:
  •  In order to avoid procrastination, the team leader should already be aware with designated task that you and your team members are going to do. The task should be divided to each and every one of the team members and give due date for submission so that the team leader would be able to take action like give comment to the instructor about him or her whenever they aren’t finish their job.
  • The event was held on 26th of April 2014. Even though it was supposed to be 2 days event, the organizer managed to end the event in just one day. Due to time limitation, the organizer had to use knock out format for the tournament. With this format, it’s quite unfair for those two best players or teams that had to meet as early as first stage. To overcome this problem, the organizer can use grouping format with the best 2 players or teams can proceed to next round. Therefore, more time will be needed. Thus, organizer may consider in organizing three days event or one week event in the future. The one week event can be played on every night after class with just one or two games for every participant till the final games.
  • For future review, the Program Coordinator should do the action plan schedule and give it to each of the bureau and make sure that they complete the task within the time provided. Plus, action plan schedule can be as an evident for Program Coordinator in order to monitor the whole progress of each bureau.
  • The event was held on 26th of April 2014. Even though it was supposed to be 2 days event, the organizer managed to end the event in just one day. Due to time limitation, the organizer had to use knock out format for the tournament. With this format, it’s quite unfair for those two best players or teams that had to meet as early as first stage. To overcome this problem, the organizer can use grouping format with the best 2 players or teams can proceed to next round. Therefore, more time will be needed. Thus, organizer may consider in organizing three days event or one week event in the future. The one week event can be played on every night after class with just one or two games for every participant till the final games.
  •  For the future organizer, it will be best if they could add on few Mustang Badminton players as one of their umpire and linesman. Even though this event was supposed to be under the Skill 2 management but at least with the help from the expertise, the game would run smoothly. Another solution would be to provide the schedule for the umpire and linesman so that they could rotate with other committee members after every one or two games. 

My Strength and Weaknesses
Throughout this event was organized, I realize that there are some strength and weaknesses I hold which also need to be improve. Below is one of the recognition I am able to provide for both my strength and weaknesses:
Frankly speaking, everyone have their own strength or advantages that I don’t require. However, for me I would say that I am confident with whatever tasks that I’m ask to accomplish. I also able to be friendly easily with people like when in the middle of discussions I’m able to come out with joke or humor which will make people not feeling stress when they are around me. Perhaps, due to my past experience in handling program or becoming a facilitator had given me the trust from my team members to be the Assistant Program Coordinator and Alhamdulillah I’m managed to hold that position and do my task as given without any prejudice. I also considered myself as capable to be a leader (but only in a small group) because I could give instructions clearly and people are easily understand with the message that I’m try to delivered.

As human being, yes I do have weaknesses as well which I need to improve. I do realize that I was not able to stick with my time table and be punctual when needed. Especially during the discussion, even though that I do come to our discussion but I would probably late 5 to 10 minutes than I supposed to be. Another weakness is I always keep everything to myself especially when it comes to giving opinion or suggestion. It happened when my team member would like to decide about our uniform during the workshop day and they ask me about it but I say “I’m not sure” or “I’m okay with it” even though I do have problem with it. Well, probably it can call as hypocrite but maybe I was trying to hear other people’s opinions except only hear from mine.

In conclusion, this event has been conducted successfully and we managed to improve a lot of things especially when it comes to soft skill. Even we faced some difficulties before and during the workshop, all of the team members have played their role with the high sense of responsibilities. Each of the team members co-operates together and helps each other when dealings with complications. Thus, this situation has created strong bond between the team members.  This event or tournament also has enhanced our team building skills, communication skills, and self- management skills.
Before I end, I would like to give extra credit to our instructor as well as our trainer Brother Sharel Rizel who had given me this opportunity to prove that I am capable in managing an event. However, without help from my fellow team members as well as the whole committee, I would not be able to hold such an exciting event and above all, the most memorable moment that we had shared together. This event does benefits me and my fellow friends a lots and we would definitely recommend this assessment to be organize in future insyaAllah.  

 p/s: this is just an extra input for what i'd done in previous not copy and paste cause I believe that each and everyone have their own personal experience and mine would not be similar with what others had experienced before..enjoy learn new things!! Ok bye..

To be continue....

'Racquet Apprentice Challenge'