
Friday, December 20, 2013

The Scars

She bowed herself and took the screws that are on the floor , then she is continued preparing breakfast for her husband ;
 " Dear , breakfast is ready . Could you eat first before you go? ."
Her husband just ignore her and quickly reaching his brief case and turn on the car engine , went to the office in hurry .
She feel gloomy but then she just get into her room and get ready to meet her sister in law.

She hide all her scars in front of her children but not toward her sister in law . She could shed her tears .

"My life was dimmed by sorrow, what else should do ? how many longer i have to be patient ? I pray all the night , asking from Allah speed up the date of my death. I'cannot bear it any longer." she's crying out loud .

Her sister in law unspeakable as she's asking for something that most of all scared of , then her sister in law says
 "Why don't you find the place that would gave you the peace and remember you need to try to get out from the shell of that pain. I suggest you makkah is the place that would made you feel better while any closer to your creature Allah S.W.T , forget all the pain the things that burden you too much. Ask whatsoever you want upon Allah , Only Allah could help you , put your trust on Allah S.W.T.".

As she walked home she fell to thinking about the idea to Makkah as she is never been there and didn't do umrah yet which is compulsory for her . It was something she didn't planned all at first, but which , on the whole, was great deal better than any of the doings . Syed Hafiz , agent of travelling company was a friend's of her sister in law , whom always give a fair price and the best services .

Once she's reaching there , the first tears shed , as she could see the 'Kaabah' she is kneeling while crying and saying
 " Here where is my tears should goes down instead of crying over the person which i love in my life , O' Allah let me die here , forgive all of my sins , forgive him , forgive my parents , i love you , O'Allah." .

The Masjidil Haram was too crowded with muslim from the entire world , they were busy to do the commandment . She stayed in Makkah for only one weeks , she were very happy to be in there like the sky was very blue , and white clouds , like great swans , went floating over it to and fro .

Alisa's (her sister in law ) and Saif's which is alisa husband waiting her at the airport for half an hour before she arrived . She heard her someone's calling her name then she's quickly searching for the voice she heard, all of sudden alisa's hug her tightly from the back .
 "Hurray" she cried, "all done , and Saif's says we may go now it's too crowded here.".
She says:
 " I must tell you that i'm very happy to be there and there's something for you my dear ."
 Alisa's smiled as she love to see that someone's whom in blue have come and began to smile .

In an incredibly short time, she is in living room folding all the clothes with no one at home . The phone is ringing "cring.... cringg... "
she pick up and says:
" Assalamualaikum who's speaking ?" and been answered "I'm not going back for 3 days as i had a lot of thing to do , bye ."
She wondered "where is my husband went to and what was 'a lot of thing that he had to do'." with curious faces.

In deep she is slightly hurt and she started to find the truth until she giving up on life . While she find her husband step she managed to reveal the truth and all she could do was share her story of what she found , what she saw with her own pair of eyes . No lies, what she has been through was extremely tough . She managed to live her on life though her husband has tearing her heart was the biggest pain she go through . After 2 month patiently live her life like a doll who had no feelings , crying like river flowing through stone . Dr Carr , told alisa's that she might die within this month as her cancer has spread all over her body and even our expert cannot do anything towards her as operation is useless as it is too late , because of the spirits made her strong to still breath though in coma. Her husband never pay any visit within a month in hospital , in fact he enjoying his life with his mistress . She used to be rest in peace as Allah save her from continuing to face all the pain in dunya . Allah received her du'a in makkah ,insha'allah ..

-Officially Nur Farzana Iskandar -